On Leaning In

In college, I had a professor in my undergrad who had recommended a book to me. The title was Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg. I remember purchasing it without giving it a second thought because more often than not if someone I trust recommends a book to me, I’ll eventually want to read it anyways so why not buy it. At the time of writing … Continue reading On Leaning In

The Power of “How Are You Doing?”

The other day a co-worker, or rather my mentor, came into my room at lunch using her best inner Shakespearian character about how I hadn’t been in to see her much or eat lunch with her this year. “Dost thou not love me,” she gesticulated. She’s the same co-worker I student taught with before we even became co-workers, and usually a few times a week … Continue reading The Power of “How Are You Doing?”

Where We Dwell

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 Though I love this verse, I love even more how some translations use the word “dwell.” Dwell. To live in or at a specified place. To think … Continue reading Where We Dwell

2020 is nothing like I imagined

2020. It seems so futuristic, like something out of Bradbury or Orwell or Huxley’s imagination, and in many way, it’s starting to play out like a literary dystopia or science fiction book. None of us thought we would work at home or that we would be restricted by how much we could interact with others or that many of the things we enjoyed doing (like … Continue reading 2020 is nothing like I imagined